FEES(Regulation 3)
Description | Fee (EC$) |
For filing of an application for a patent | 500 |
For the grant of a patent | 375 |
For publication of a grant of a patent (according to advertisement rates) | - |
An application for a change of application for registration of a patent | 500 |
For renewal of a patent | |
before the 2nd anniversary of filing | 200 |
before the 3rd anniversary of filing | 300 |
before the 4th anniversary of filing | 400 |
before the 5th anniversary of filing | 500 |
before the 6th anniversary of filing | 600 |
before the 7th anniversary of filing | 700 |
before the 8th anniversary of filing | 800 |
before the 9th anniversary of filing | 900 |
before the 10th anniversary of filing | 1000 |
before the 11th anniversary of filing | 1100 |
before the 12th anniversary of filing | 1200 |
before the 13th anniversary of filing | 1300 |
before the 14th anniversary of filing | 1400 |
before the 15th anniversary of filing | 1500 |
before the 16th anniversary of filing | 1600 |
before the 17th anniversary of filing | 1700 |
before the 18th anniversary of filing | 1800 |
before the 19th anniversary of filing | 2000 |
For making late payment of annual fee | 100 |
For preparation of an abstract | 100 |
For recognising the transfer of an application for a patent | 25 |
For a registration of a contract and publication of reference to a contract in Journal | 200 |
For transfer of a voluntary licence | 200 |
For requesting a non-voluntary licence | 1000 |
For examining or making extracts or copies of records in the register | 5.00 (per page or any part thereof) |
For a copy of a patent | 10 |
For a certified copy of a patent of any other document | 25 |
For a statutory licence | 200 |
For the transfer of a statutory licence | 200 |
For requesting that the Registrar extend the time limit for doing anything | 50 |
For recording an address for service for a patent, or a change of address for service of a patent or a licence | 50 |
For surrender of a patent | 50 |
For transferring registration of a patent | 50 |
On application for approval of the transfer of a patent | 50 |
For filing an application for utility model certificates | 300 |
For conversion of applications | 200 |
For amendment of the text of drawing of patent | 100 |
For filing international application with receiving office | I. B. |
For patent agent licence | 750 a year |
N.B: I. B. – refers to the International Bureau of WIPO